We are Awakeners.

We strive to actualize convivial, regenerative, and healthy societies through research, education, and social design.

Let’s “take care of the world
through the self-actualization of all.”

Complexity science shows us that complex phenomena often emerge from the interactions and self-organization of their elements. This reminds us that many of the world’s wicked problems are not simply created or caused by some specific entities or people that can be blamed of, but are emergent properties of the ways we all co-exist and co-become.

With this understanding of our shared responsibility or common karma, at Awakening, we develop and facilitate diverse approaches that enable us to “be the change” and “take care of the world through the self-actualization of all.”

Our Research & Praxis Areas

Embracing a spirit that echos with critical theory, transcultural perspectives, and complexity/ecosystemic awareness, we are committed to “Social Research × Social Praxis.”

These two, manifesting the yin and yang of our caring of the world, form the basis of our attempts at dialogues across ideological echo chambers, as well as the journey of our collective growth—growth as education, the journey itself as the purpose.

Youth Companionship &
Awakener Empowerment​

The seeds of deep transformation often come from that part of us that has not yet become numb, thus able to feel discomfort, unease, compassion, and reluctance. We do not take mainstream and existing theories and methods for granted. We accompany each other, always maintaining awareness of our own and others’ states, feelings, needs, and challenges—through deep reflection and awareness, allowing the energy and resilience of transformation to continuously emerge, fostering further reflection and awareness in a cyclical process.

Experimental Higher Education &
Academia Transformation

The ideal of higher education is not only about “personal growth” but also carried the responsibility of “knowledge production” and “social construction.” Today, fulfilling these promises has become increasingly challenging, and even its own survival is facing a crisis. We explore why it has become so difficult and where the crisis lies, while also striving to pave new paths.

Democratic Education &
Educative Democracy

Education is not just the transmission of knowledge; it is also the formation of relational patterns and modes of coexistence. Today, each global crisis reflects issues in the relationships between people, society, and nature. What are healthier, more peaceful, and more beneficial relational patterns and modes of coexistence? We support experiments through education and create an educative sandbox for democracy.

Systems Thinking &
Social Complexity

Einstein reminded us: We cannot solve problems by the same level of consciousness that created them. Systems thinking involves awareness, reflection, and guidance of mental models, while complex systems serve as a scientific paradigm that complements linear, mechanical, and anthropocentric perspectives. We strive to continuously understand and dissolve the limitations of our own consciousness through these two approaches, transforming ourselves into seeds that, through mindful action, bring forth the future.

Regional Revitalization &
Anti-Fragile Glocalization

Any local phenomenon affects the whole, and universal issues are never isolated from local contexts. Embracing both universal and particular perspectives, we are concerned with how universal issues emerge from local contexts and how localities constrain overall structures. We support local development towards resilience and robustness, while weaving anti-fragile connections with the international community.

Civilizational Challenges & Flourishing Futures

When addressing the crises of our time, the mainstream approach is to tackle each problem individually, often overlooking the common systemic mechanisms behind them. This approach also makes it difficult to see how our existence and relational patterns interact with others, leading to silos of impasses. We are committed to researching what the common systemic mechanisms are, how they interact with(in) us, and whether it is possible for us to find a path to a civilization that coexists harmoniously with ourselves, others, society, and nature.

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